Thursday, August 12, 2010

Are All Human Beings Capable Of Extraordinary Measures?

By Mari Schultz

Extraordinary Measures is a movie starring Harrison Ford. The movie is based on a real life family who take a remarkable approach to the degenerative disease their children suffer. Frustrated at being unable to find a cure for an illness affecting their children and unwilling to sit back and do nothing the parents risk everything they have to fund researcher in this field. Is this a remarkable step to take? Would not every parent do the same for their sick child?

Without a doubt most parents would be devastated to learn their children had inherited a degenerative disease. Most parents would take any steps possible to ensure their child received the best treatment available. However, not every parent has the confidence to challenge systems designed to keep the cog in the wheel so to speak.

Extraordinary Measures was released at cinemas during the Month President Obama was sworn into office. The film is a representation of the new mood of optimism sweeping the country. The movie highlights in a positive way how individuals can stand up and be counted despite the odds stacked against them. It is a movie that is indeed heart warming in its portrayal of unconditional honest love of parents for their children.

Human beings resilience, their ability to bounce back, is a much underestimated trait. Without resilience human beings would not have survived this long. The main theme of the movie demonstrates the resilience of families faced with difficult situations and having to make hard choices. It is not about finding a cure it is about finding humanity.

Those already aware of the current health insurance debate in America will have noticed the sub text within the movie brings this issue to the fore. It highlights concerns most American have around health insurance and is a nod of the head in the direction of the new President who hopes to make changes to the current, failing health care system.

Americans do not hold a monopoly on overcoming daily challenges and winning through despite the odds. This is common among most cultures. Across the globe people triumph over tragedy and adversity and go on to create hope even in the hardest of hearts.

Although the movie looks at the notion of hope from an extreme case there are examples of hope alive and well and living in the apparent mundane and ordinary. Hope is found wherever individuals and or communities strive and thrive despite expectations to the contrary. To continue to hope despite knowing the desired outcome is not going to change may seem foolhardy in some eyes. However, continuing to fight on brings with it a different idea of the meaning of the word hope. A journey involving hope implies little certainty. What becomes apparent in this type of journey is the human capacity for compassion, generosity and empathy.

In times of crisis people the world over take Extraordinary Measures to protect children, family life, community and society in general. Taking steps to look after those nearest and dearest without hurting anyone else in the process is to be applauded. A new era in the White House seems to have brought with it a certain amount of hope among Americans for a fairer future.

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