In the year 2009, Disneynature Productions released an award winning film called "Earth" on Earth Day. This movie was followed up with the 2010 release of the much anticipated movie Disneys Oceans. It was also released appropriately on Earth Day, which is a day to commemorate all things that have to do with helping and appreciating the environment. The film is a breathtaking view of life under water.
Directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud, this movie makes legendary waves. A man named Romain LeGrand who has been working with Disney since 1995 produced the feature. Well known actor and environmentalist Pierce Brosnan was drafted to narrate the film. His calming voice matches the film perfectly. Two Disney Channel heartthrobs named Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers, recorded a single titled "Make A Wave" for the soundtrack. This song has inspired many of the young fans to take action and be proactive when it comes to saving the environment.
Ninety percent of the world's water comes from the ocean. Nearly three fourths of the earth's surface is water. This movie goes where no other has gone before exploring deep beneath the surface of the sea. The movie is filled with never before seen images of animals, plants, and their behaviors.
It took nearly seven years from start to finish to create this movie. There were four years of location filming which resulted in over four hundred and eighty hours of recorded film. It took almost an entire year for the team to edit down the scenes. There were two full years of planning before filming even begun.
The directors have said that the vision of the film was to answer a simple question. What is an ocean? They want the audience to see that answer up close and personally through this underwater journey. It's a fragile but ironically strong web of creatures living under in the sea. Exploring it's depths takes the viewer on a wild ride that won't easily be forgotten.
They also wanted to show a true depiction of the damage humans have inflicted on this resource. They have shown the devastating effects of certain selfish practices such as over-fishing, over-developing, and pollution. In order to appreciate water, they wanted people to realize that without it, human, plant, and animal life definitely can not be sustained.
The sea's resiliency was also demonstrated in several scenes. It's evident that there are marine creatures that are tenacious and will not give up without a struggle despite the human inflicted elements against them. It was reassuring to them to find these remote areas where life proved to be resilient and determined to survive.
Disneys Oceans is a heartfelt journey that will leave anyone who sees it breathless, touched, and inspired all at once. Stunning quality puts the viewer seemingly right in the film. It's a stunning tribute to nature and the unstoppable force that it is. It's inspirational message is sure to touch all who experience it.
Directed by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud, this movie makes legendary waves. A man named Romain LeGrand who has been working with Disney since 1995 produced the feature. Well known actor and environmentalist Pierce Brosnan was drafted to narrate the film. His calming voice matches the film perfectly. Two Disney Channel heartthrobs named Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers, recorded a single titled "Make A Wave" for the soundtrack. This song has inspired many of the young fans to take action and be proactive when it comes to saving the environment.
Ninety percent of the world's water comes from the ocean. Nearly three fourths of the earth's surface is water. This movie goes where no other has gone before exploring deep beneath the surface of the sea. The movie is filled with never before seen images of animals, plants, and their behaviors.
It took nearly seven years from start to finish to create this movie. There were four years of location filming which resulted in over four hundred and eighty hours of recorded film. It took almost an entire year for the team to edit down the scenes. There were two full years of planning before filming even begun.
The directors have said that the vision of the film was to answer a simple question. What is an ocean? They want the audience to see that answer up close and personally through this underwater journey. It's a fragile but ironically strong web of creatures living under in the sea. Exploring it's depths takes the viewer on a wild ride that won't easily be forgotten.
They also wanted to show a true depiction of the damage humans have inflicted on this resource. They have shown the devastating effects of certain selfish practices such as over-fishing, over-developing, and pollution. In order to appreciate water, they wanted people to realize that without it, human, plant, and animal life definitely can not be sustained.
The sea's resiliency was also demonstrated in several scenes. It's evident that there are marine creatures that are tenacious and will not give up without a struggle despite the human inflicted elements against them. It was reassuring to them to find these remote areas where life proved to be resilient and determined to survive.
Disneys Oceans is a heartfelt journey that will leave anyone who sees it breathless, touched, and inspired all at once. Stunning quality puts the viewer seemingly right in the film. It's a stunning tribute to nature and the unstoppable force that it is. It's inspirational message is sure to touch all who experience it.
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